Wednesday, 2 February 2011


Can I drink alcohol while I'm pregnant?

We don't know for sure how much alcohol it's safe for you to have while you're pregnant. That's why many experts advise you to cut out alcohol throughout pregnancy (DH 2007), or at least for the first three months (NICE 2008).

If you do decide to drink alcohol while you are pregnant, it's best to stick to light drinking. That's no more than one or two units of alcohol, no more than once or twice a week (DH 2007, Kelly et al 2010, NICE 2008, RCOG 2006a & b).

Heavy or binge drinking is dangerous for your baby. Heavy drinking is six or more units of alcohol a day (NICE 2008; DH 2007; RCOG 2006 a & b). If you have five or more units in a session, it's binge drinking (RCOG 2006a; BMA 2007).

Why is alcohol a problem?

Alcohol is a toxin. When you drink alcohol, it rapidly reaches your baby across the placenta, via your bloodstream.

If you drink too much alcohol during pregnancy it can permanently damage your developing baby's cells. This could affect how your baby's face, organs and brain grow.

Heavy drinking can also damage your baby's nervous system. This can result in your baby having learning difficulties and problems with movement and coordination throughout his life (BMA 2007: 2).

The term for all these problems is fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). It's called a spectrum because the problems can range from mild learning difficulties, through to birth defects.

Full-blown fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is at the extreme end of the spectrum of disorders. Babies with FAS tend to have facial defects, to be born small and to carry on being small for their age. These children will have learning difficulties, poor coordination and behavioural problems for the rest of their lives (BMA 2007:2).

FAS is rare. FASD is more common. It's thought that more than 6,000 babies are born each year with FASD in the UK (DH 2007).

Heavy drinking can also cause problems with your pregnancy, such as miscarriage and premature birth (BMA 2007: 2; 9). Too much alcohol can even increase the risk of your baby being stillborn (RCOG 2006a).

It's because of the harm that too much alcohol may cause an unborn baby, that experts are wary of saying how much it's safe to drink during pregnancy.

What are the proven risks of drinking in pregnancy?

There are several things that can influence how much your unborn baby may be harmed by alcohol. It depends on:
  • how much alcohol you have
  • the stage of pregnancy when you have the alcohol
  • how often you drink throughout your pregnancy
  • (BMA 2007: 6)
It's not just your first trimester when you need to be careful. Your baby is also vulnerable to the effects of alcohol in the third trimester. At this stage, your baby is growing more and his brain is developing (BMA 2007: 6; RCOG 2006b).

Drinking heavily and often affects a developing baby and can result in FASD (BMA 2007:6). Binge drinking can be particularly harmful. If you binge drink, you are at more risk of having a baby with FAS than if you drink the same amount over a longer period (BMA 2007: 6).

Experts are less sure whether or not drinking at lower levels is dangerous. Obstetricians say there is no proof of harm from light drinking. Light drinking is no more than one to two units of alcohol, no more than once or twice a week during pregnancy (RCOG 2006a).

Other research suggests that if you stick to a glass of wine a week it will do no harm to your baby. However, the Department of Health stands by its advice to pregnant women, and those trying to conceive, not to drink alcohol at all.

How much is a unit of alcohol?

In the UK, one unit of alcohol is defined as 10ml of pure alcohol (ethanol). You can find out exactly how many units of alcohol are in a bottle by reading its label (DH 2009).

Labels on a drink show its percentage of alcohol by volume (ABV). See our table below for an idea of how many units are in different-strength, popular drinks.

Drink% ABVservingnumber of units
Ordinary lager, bitter or cider4% 1 pint (568ml)2.3
Strong lager, bitter or cider6%1 pint (568ml)3.4
Wine12%125ml glass (small)1.52
Alcopops5%275ml bottle1.4
Spirits38% to 40%25ml measure1
Sherry or port17.5% to 20%50ml glass1

It's worth bearing in mind that most people who pour drinks at home tend to be generous with their measures. And be aware that many wine bars and pubs now sell wine in large glasses. Depending on the strength of the wine, large glasses can contain up to three units.

I drank before I knew I'd conceived. Will my baby be OK?

You're not alone. Thousands of women have a few drinks before realising they are pregnant.

We don't know for sure what a few drinks over a short period early in pregnancy can do to a developing baby (BMA 2007: 7). That's why the Department of Health recommends that you give up drinking before getting pregnant (DH 2007).

However, babies have a habit of turning up when they're least expected! Many women have conceived around the time of a night out drinking, and their babies have been fine. The important thing is to cut out alcohol, or be careful about how much you drink, once you know you're expecting.

What can I drink instead of alcohol?

Stopping drinking or cutting down on alcohol may be easy if nausea means you go off it early in your pregnancy. If you enjoy using alcohol to unwind, giving it up may be harder.

Try replacing a glass of beer or wine with other stress-easing pleasures, such as a warm bath, soft music, a massage, exercise or reading.

If you miss the ritual of drinking, replace that Bloody Mary with a virgin variety. Switch to a non-alcoholic beer or wine during your evening meal. See our other ideas for non-alcoholic and party drinks perfect for pregnancy.

If your partner enjoys a drink after work, consider asking him to abstain for a time so you won't feel deprived.

I'm struggling to give up. What can I do?

If you think you may have a drink problem, talk with your doctor or midwife. Your doctor or midwife won't judge you. It's their job to help you have as healthy a pregnancy as possible. And asking for help just shows how much you care about your baby.


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