By F.Lewis Stark
Review & Description
What do elevators, beloved character actor Wilford Brimley, mall maps, flashing yellow traffic lights, the Weather Channel, and Allstate commercials have in common? Not much other than they all are on Griffin's list of favorite hobbies and interests. Over the years, Griffin has embraced these simple pleasures with the same passion some kids reserve for their favorite professional sports teams. Upon hearing Griffin’s diagnosis of autism over a decade ago, his parents felt as though their world ended. They often wished there was a resource available to show, in a lighthearted and humorous way, that having a child with a disability was not all gloom and doom but rather could be a lot of fun. First with his hilarious blog and now with this book, Griffin's dad has tried to fill this void, and launch a crusade, of sorts, to make the public aware that life doesn’t end with a diagnosis of a cognitive disability. Read more
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