Thursday, 18 August 2011

12 Tips -how to bond with your baby

12 Tips -how to bond with your baby

  v     Research says laughter in infancy is a sign of emotional development. The more often your baby vocalizes -- the more cooing, babbling, giggling and laughing -- the more she'll grow emotionally.

   v     You may have noticed getting closer to baby promotes a sense of calm and relaxation for you as well. Research says bonding with your baby triggers the same pleasure centers in the brain as eating chocolate/favorite food.
  v     The more you interact with your baby, the more she'll grow emotionally and socially. In the first few months of life, plenty of closeness between mother and infant can help ease baby's transition into the world
 v     Research says moms and babies form their own language. Before babies learn to speak, they use a rich vocabulary of noises, expressions and gestures to communicate. As your bond becomes stronger
  v     The more you touch your baby, the more likely she is to touch you back. Babies are completely impressionable, and your actions provide a model for them to study and imitate. So when it comes to bonding, its kiss for curdle.
 v     Repetition isn't necessarily tiresome. Your baby thrives on it because she's learning everything about the world around her for the first time. Far from being monotonous, patterns and routines actually helps process information, and give feeling of security.
  v     Research says a mother's touch is key to bringing up a healthy, happy baby. Babies thrive when they're touched lovingly by anyone, but a mother's touch has special significance. Mothers body is comfortable for the baby. Mothers touch is more powerful.
 v     Bonding is as simple as seeing eye to eye. Research says frequent eye contact is a key indicator of a baby who's gaining confidence. As your bond grows, he'll gaze at you more often. This is sign of trust and confidence.
 v     Brighter smiles are a sign of bonding Research  explains how your touch can lead baby to smile more, reflecting the strength of your bond and helping him feel more secure in his world
 v     When baby reaches out, it signals a deep connection with you. Research explains that it also shows baby is gaining awareness of her body — a significant milestone in her development
 v     The more you and baby "talk," the more you bond. Pediatric expert  explains that your "conversations" will form the basis of future language development.
 v     The moments you love are also signs that you and baby are bonding. So trust your instincts and enjoy. You and baby will benefit today, tomorrow and forever

Written by kamlajoshi


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