Sunday, 28 August 2011

Delusions of a Declining Man (Paperback)

Delusions of a Declining Man
Delusions of a Declining Man (Paperback)
By Robert Logsdon

Review & Description

Robert Logsdon combines earlier works with aesthetic writing created from the backdrop of the photography of Kylie Ikerd. The poems craft visions ranging from young love, the trials of mid-life and the aspirations of aging gracefully in a modern world. The nuance of Ikerd’s lens combined with Logsdon’s translation into poetry and prose form a storytelling style that will both grip emotions and lift the spirit. PREFACE Youth is a novelty. As age holds its grip we look back fondly at who we think we were. Very rarely does the memory match our true past. Fantasies of relationships that were never meant to be, the loves that eluded our grasp, daydreams of people and places become more colorful and full as the years push them farther back in our minds. At a certain point in our lives the memories compete with the realities of the present. We begin viewing the world not in the memories of the past, but in the conclusions of the future. When the past and present merge with thoughts of what will be, we release ourselves of the confines of tainted memories and enjoy the freedom to view the world in a colorful light. I’m not who I was yesterday Not who I’ll be tomorrow Evolving, devolving You view me in still frame Grays and whites Never changing Yet I choose to live in a kaleidoscope Spinning, reflecting, dancing abstract In dense bright colors Of a life unchained Robert Logsdon Read more

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