Saturday, 20 August 2011

It's Tough Being Mom And Buisness Owner

It's Tough Being Mom And Buisness Owner
Article by Shawna Hernandez
It's a tough job being a mother. Add on top of that a business owner and you've got a mess waiting to happen! So I have three kids and decided that I need to start selling the hair clippies that I make for my daughter online. Of course I started with e bay but being the creative and over ambitious person that I am I decided I needed to have my own website. OH BOY! If someone has ever told you that you never get to sleep again once you have kids...You can tell them their wrong!
Before I started on this little venture I was getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep and now it's more like 5-6! there are some nights where I'm on the computer till 3am and still feel like I have so much more to do.I mean a typical day goes something like this... you make a trip to the store with 3 kids all yelling at you "I want cookies","I have to go to the bathroom",and a baby who's just looking at you like she already has gone to the bathroom then you finally get to the checkout and realize that while you were working on the computer you let your 18 month old play with your wallet and she hid your debit card somewhere in the abyss that is her brothers' room. Now you have to leave your cart there and hold up the line while the bag boy puts all of your groceries aside and you have to make the walk of shame out to the car and pack the kids back into the car and listen to " Mommy where are the cookies?" All the while thinking in the back of your mind I hope I had a sale today" and at the same time thinking "If I did have a sale when will I have time to put everything together?" This is when you realize..... I NEED A BABYSITTER!
Yes, it's tough but even though at the end of the day after you have given everyone a bath,they're in their pajamas and tucked into their cozy little beds all you really want to do is get to the work table and start getting creative.
Not only is it a rewarding feeling to know that your kids are well taken care of ( don't get me wrong ) sometimes they don't always eat a home cooked meal and go to bed without taking a bath but, it's such a great feeling to know that someone appreciates your work enough to pay for it when you were doing it for your friends and family for free all along.
I love what I do and when the day seems rough I know that soon there will be silence and I can get a little me time that's oh so precious and welcomed with a glass of wine! even if I only get that time to spend watching "The Tudors" that's a reward in itself:)!
If you are a mom and decide to start your own online business just know that not everything goes according to plan and you have to learn how to prioritize. Sometimes you just have to let the little things go! But make sure you are doing something you feel passionate about and can't stop thinking about.

Click Here to see j.c.grace designs.Shawna is the mother to 3 beautiful kids and married to the love of her life. She owns and runs her own business designing and making beautiful No Slip Hair clippies. You can find her little works of art at


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